impact baseball tournament rules

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We take pride in proficiency with developing boys of all ages to not only. We believe that dividing the pool into Gold and Silver for bracket play will create for a better experience for everyone and increase the odds of playing meaningful games deeper into the tournament. A perfect way to spend a weekend half-way through the spring season, the Make an Impact Spring Classic is for teams aged 9U-14U. SSL is the backbone of our secure Internet and it protects your sensitive information as it travels across the worlds computer networks. We will pick the game up from where it was stopped and with the timing remaining. To their credit the early returns were great. Age Calculator. 16U Players must be 2024 graduates or younger or born on/after May 1, 2005. August 20-22 IMPACT Baseball Showcase Harrisonburg. Ages vary by camp and will be posted on the camp registration page. June 8-11, 2023. Teams must book their accommodations through Group Housing using the links on the Hotel page of our website (link to a hotel page). You will have all your tools measured and ranked following the event, as well as be considered for our top prospect rankings and invitation only events like the IMPACT "Futures Game.". As the industry leader, PG provides reports, videos, and workout results on all player profiles. Not a bad little 14-day side hustle, if you ask me. If not go to #4. Beyond the fundraising focus for our DR trip, there are two other primary distinctives that make this tournament unique: Gold & Silver Brackets: After pool play, teams will be divided into Gold and Silver brackets. This is a great tool for exposure and for players to become identified by coaches and scouts as well as be considered for our player rankings and invitation only events like the IMPACT "Futures Game.". * Coaches continue to check numerous times during the tournament/before games/after games for updated information throughout. For replay, each team gets one challenge per game during Pool Play and the Quarterfinal Round. Learn more about the 2023. North Carolina high school baseball is known for talent. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and 5. Scorekeepers do not count as coaches and will not be granted free admission. Please contact us if your son has an interest in trying out. NEW ORLEANS, LA The Florida A&M Rattlers broke through after a 5-5 tie in the seventh inning to beat the Southern Jaguars 12-6 Friday. Located in the heart of Rosemont's vibrant entertainment district near O'Hare Airport, Impact Field is a $63 million development. Check out some of our latest video footage! Feb 26, 2023 15/16 Senior Division League Showcase. Our goal for this tournament is to engender competitive sportsmanship. Run Rules: 12 runs after 3 innings of play - 10 runs after 4 innings of play - 8 runs after 5 innings of play. Manhattan, KS. Conduct if possible. ORGANIZATION. Official WBC rosters were announced Feb. 9. Other Links. First. Please keep an eye out for dates of upcoming camps. 2023 World Baseball Classic: Format, dates, schedule, rules and rosters for international tournament. We are here to help as many players as possible reach the next level! 7. Trey Daly at February 9, 2023. Minimum one day of rest after a 30-pitch outing. Metal Bat Tournament No alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco of any kind allowed in Impact Baseball Academy facilities. The Latest Dynamic Oct 8-9 Top Performers List Dynamic Sept 24-25 Top Performers List 17 days ago. Instead, the team that won the head-to-head game holds the tiebreaker, and if there's a massive tie between three or more teams, teams are ranked using this tiebreaker criteria until the tie is broken: Got all that? North Carolina high school baseball is known for talent. 2021-2022 Tryouts 2022 . In doing so, we can provide players, coaches, and families with the experiences and lifelong memories that will allow them to enjoy and play the game for as long as possible. By posting data on players from our ID Camps, coaches and scouts will be well informed about players attending IMPACT events! Registration. Middle Creek (21-5) 2. Disappointingly, it looks like the upgrades to uniforms in "Storylines" didn't make their way to the rest of the game. Has documentation showing he is eligible for citizenship in the country if he applied. After all that, two teams advance out of each pool in Pool Play, leaving eight teams total. To sign up for camp, click the registration link under our camp heading. We are committed to developing IMPACT players who are driven to grow and compete at the highest levels of youth travel. Teams are required to book lodging through Group Housing. Players are eligible to play for WBC teams if they meet certain criteria that extends beyond citizenship, which is how Lars Nootbaar, who was born and raised in California, wound up on Japan's roster. View Event Page. NHSF Rules Tournament Rules. Wesley King. They get two challenges per game in the Championship Round. AGE DIVISION 8U. We have been operating since 2001 hosting showcase tournaments and camps. Some of the best talent, year in and year out, comes from the mountain region. 1. 15h ESPN. Heres our Preseason North Carolina High School Polls: 4A: 1. Fewest losses. *Teams can use up to 11 hitters It is fair to wonder whether the competitive nature of the WBC creates heightened injury risk, though there are strict rules in place intended to protect pitchers. We are dedicated to providing a place in the sport that is designed by the athlete, for the athlete! And! *Each team provides THREE new game balls to start each game (after that teams supply balls evenly) We host organized tournaments and camps at top-notch facilities FORT MYERS, Fla. -- In their second . May 25, 2022 ALL GAMES at ALL PARKS CANCELLED TODAY. Teams who have more than three coaches will be required to pay for the extra coach passes. section: | slug: 2023-world-baseball-classic-format-dates-schedule-rules-and-rosters-for-international-tournament | sport: baseball | route: | Tournament Rules and Guidelines Little League Baseball, 8- to 10-Year Old Division, 9- to 11-Year-Old Division, Intermediate (50-70) Division, Junior League, and Senior League Baseball . All net proceeds will go toward our 13U baseball mission trip to the Dominican Republic in the summer of 2023. Learn more about the 2023. Oct 23 - 24, 2021 NC Were excited to break down the 2A SW Randolph High School located in Asheboro, North Carolina. No. PBR HOME; SHARE PROFILE FACEBOOK TWITTER COPY LINK. Find out about our organization, mission, and history. Softball Tournament Rules Below are the rules that will be used for 10U, 12U and 14U softballl tournaments held at Runyon Field Sports Complex. League City Impact: HOMETOWN League City, TX. We can tell you this, hundreds of coaches and scouts attend our events throughout the year and they are all viewing our website and social media. Players on paternity or bereavement leave can rejoin their WBC teams later in the tournament. Inspired by the Minor League baseball team the Savannah Bananas and their wild new version of baseball that is taking the baseball world by storm, Impact is hosting our own Banana Ball Bonanza. *All games will be no more than 7 innings, except for playoff games All Rights Reserved. (browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4)))check = true})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); return check; } if(window.mobilecheck()) { window.location.href = ''; }. and player rankings from camp on this website for all college coaches, professional scouts and others to view on our website. For a Team USA-specific breakdown, head over here. The Dominican Republic won the 2013 WBC and the United States won the 2017 WBC. SSL is the backbone of our secure Internet and it protects your sensitive information as it travels across the worlds computer networks. Instead, the Bulls held onto hope. March is typically when pitchers slowly build up in a low-stress environment. registration page. The Great Lakes Open Invitational - Huron Valley Athletic Complex (Turf) Milford, MI. 2020 Impact Baseball. Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. "People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. Buckle up though because the 2023 MLB rules changes are numerous and could easily have an effect on both MLB games as well as fantasy baseball values for 2023. Get the chance to showcase your abilities at our invite only tournaments! All Rights Reserved. 6. Name *. Austin Peay State University - The Mid-South Elite. Inspired by the Minor League baseball team the Savannah Bananas and their wild new version of baseball that is taking the baseball world by storm, Impact is hosting our own Banana Ball Bonanza. At Ripken Baseball, we aim to provide ballplayers with an experience similar to what we had in the Big Leagues. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. PG regular seeding rules Seeding and Tie Breaker Rules. *If a team drops out once the schedule is posted, there will be no credit. Sandy Alcantara of the Miami Marlins delivers a pitch. If things go right for the Dominican Republic in the World Baseball Classic, Alcantara could have the chance to pitch for the championship in . (0-0-0) Canes Baseball Great Lakes 15U Black South Bend, IN (0-0-0) Canes Baseball Great Lakes 15u Gold Osceola, IN (0-0-0) Canes Central IL 15u Malone Peoria, IL (0-0-0) Canes Great Lakes . Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: . Subject *. The WBC puts them in meaningful games and risks asking them to do too much too soon. 17U-Players must be 2023 graduates or born on/after May 1, 2004 *No Metals Cleats on Mound at Liberty University "Along with our fans, partners and the entire South Florida community, we are honored Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association have selected loanDepot park to host all three rounds of the 2023 World Baseball Classic," Marlins owner Bruce Sherman said in a statement last July. Perfect Game is one of the largest organizations in the world that is focused on growing the game of Softball. Tournament Note *2hr Drop Dead . All net proceeds from these events go toward supporting Impacts 13U teams baseball mission trips to the Dominican Republic every July. Because the WBC takes place in the middle of spring training, everyone involved is understandably concerned about pitchers and their usage. North Royalton, OH. Training camps are a good opportunity to pick up skills for new positions or to better your abilities. A WBC MVP will be named and an All-WBC Team will be announced once the Championship Game is completed. June 3-4, 2023. Tournament Rules. In any single elimination bracket, the higher seed will always be the home team. OPL Greater Cleveland Spring Championship Tournament: Impact Baseball: 03 - 11: T3 Warhawks Powe: 4: Baseball Tournament Note *2hr Drop Dead *Showcase Format - No bracket play *Check email/schedule continuously through the week *Show up to games a hour early when possible in case games are ahead of schedule *Rules will be sent out mid-week *Weather impacted games will only be rescheduled if possible. ISA Baseball League Rules 2023 ISA BASEBALL TOURNAMENTS For more information and to register email Erik Corder: 8U Warm Up Weekend 1 | April 29-30 | Impact Sports Academy (FULL) ISA 8U Royal 1 ISA 8U Royal 2 Luxemburg Ashwaubenon Hortonville Suburban Athletics Sun Prairie Bay Port 115. We speak with coaches and scouts daily about players from our events. 21. r/MLBTheShow. For more information, including videos from previous trips, please see HERE. Once you've been swapped out for someone else, you're done for the WBC. 13U-Players must be 2027 graduates or younger or born on/after May 1, 2008. Tomase: Praise the pitch clock, which will transform how we watch baseball originally appeared on NBC Sports Boston. May 23, 2022 ALL GAMES in ALL LEAGUES today are . Japan has finished in no lower than third place in all four WBCs. WELCOME TO FCA IMPACT BASEBALL . 25 Feb/23. *Teams MUST turn in a roster to before 11:59 PM the night before the event begins. *NO pre game infield/outfield The player that receives the most votes per age group is recognized as the John Roman Impact Player for the tournament. Refund Policy: We offer a very generous refund policy. Japan won the inaugural WBC in 2006 and repeated as champions in 2009. The cost varies per event. By the way, position players under contract with an MLB organization cannot pitch in the WBC under any circumstances unless they have received permission in advance. Coaches trust PG reports to be fair and accurate, and attending a showcase is the best way to get your information out to every coach in the country. All Rights Reserved. During Pool Play, each team plays the other four teams in its pool once each, and the teams with the two best records advance to the Quarterfinal Round. Men's college basketball Power Rankings: Is UCLA the final 1-seed? The goal of the showcase tournament is to allow teams to play top-notch competition at premier venues and showcase their players to any college coaches and/or professional scouts in attendance. Nationals workhorse setup man Luis Ayala blew out his elbow at the 2006 WBC and needed Tommy John surgery, for example. As such, the WBC have decided to enforce strict rules to protect pitchers. Amateur Waiver Form. There will be a total of 47 games played during the 2023 WBC. Furthermore, each WBC team has Designated Pitcher Pool with up to 10 pitchers who can be added to the roster after each round. * If you have any questions during the tournament please email and we will respond as soon as possible. We are here to help as may players as possible reach the next level. // The javascript snippet below will redirect the browser to the mobile results if a mobile device is accessing the page. Email *. Balls To that end, if your team is a truly elite team (you know who you are), we would suggest that this may not be a great fit for you. The prize pool is $14.4 million total this year and it is split 50/50 between players and their federations (i.e. *In the event of bad weather, game cancellation, delays, etc, the website will be updated as soon as our staff is notified by the field manager. 6. There are two key differences between the WBC rules and MLB's rules this year. Our goal is for all teams to not only experience a solid weekend of competitive baseball but also have the opportunity to partner with us in "making an impact." All net proceeds will go toward our 13U baseball mission trip to the Dominican Republic in the summer of 2023. Check schedule for updates in this scenario. *Show up to games a hour early when possible in case games are ahead of schedule *Rules will be sent out mid-week . Please see the PDF below for the full schedule. Xavier's Joseph Semien won for the third consecutive Saturday. CLICK HERE FOR THE TOURNAMENT RULES PAGE SEARCH RECENT POST Program Preview: SW Randolph Program Preview: Christ School Program Preview: Cox Mill Each team is permitted three coach passes (coaches must sign in at the gate). Each team is permitted three coach passes (coaches must sign in at the gate). the world's largest and most comprehensive scouting organization | 1,830 mlb players | 13,887 mlb draft selections 1,830 mlb players | 13,887 mlb draft selections Was born in the country, holds citizenship, or has a permanent residence in the country. 14U. Perfect Game will provide a platform that enhances all aspects of the sport nationwide. Senior Zach Morea (0-0) got the win out of . *If your game is delayed or stopped for rain. *No water will be provided. Impact Fall Showcase IMPACT BASEBALL Central NC Fall Team Showcase. Impact Baseball 2020 Impact Baseball. All Rights Reserved. Powered by: Take Charge Media. If any scheduled tournament games are canceled at any time due to weather, field conditions, or darkness, FCA Impact Baseball will issue refunds as delineated below. Recent Baseball News. The last several years, Opening day is finally here! *In the event that a spectator(s) enters the venue without paying, umpires have been instructed to stop the game until the individual(s) pays or leaves the site. Teams like to win, but this is the one event in which winning is a secondary goal. Twitter. 14U: (-3) BBCOR Bats Allowed, AGE/Grad Year Requirements: Contact us today with any questions! Previously represented the country in the WBC. If you have goals of playing college baseball, attending our camps could change your baseball future! I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume all full responsibility for my participation; 4. There is no way to play baseball without risking injury. Duke Pool Play:. No pitching back-to-back-to-back days at any point. Tucker Carlson showed up at funeral of Hells Angels leader. Fantasy baseball: Impact of the new shift rules for 2023. *If at least one game is played in an event, no credits will be issued. 2:54 pm ET, Marlins owner Bruce Sherman said in a statement last July, Here is the full schedule of the Pool Play round, Our Dayn Perry took a crack at building a lineup for USA manager Mark DeRosa, The Yankees blocked Luis Severino from participating, nearly 30 percent of Tommy John surgeries each year take place in March, Puerto Rico mercy-ruled USA during the 2009 WBC, Unsigned FA Jurickson Profar to play in WBC, Orioles, Pirates play final half-inning without umpires, MLB hires three to ramp up 'local media' department, Report: Padres sign Rougned Odor to minor-league deal, 10 MLB positional battles ahead of Opening Day, How the Dodgers can replace Gavin Lux after injury, What to know about the 2023 World Baseball Classic, Dodgers SS Gavin Lux tears ACL, will miss entire season. *Team managers should contact tournament director only in case of emergency. 2023 Baseball Standings. Coach Name * First Last Coach Cell Phone * Coach Email Address * Team Name * Team Age * 13u 14u 15u 16u 17u 18u Please list the tournament dates and location that you would like to request: Notes/Requests Our goal is for all teams to not only experience a solid weekend of competitive baseball but also have the opportunity to partner with us in making an impact.. There are three rounds to the WBC: Pool Play, the Quarterfinal Round, and the Championship Round. If you have completed 7 innings and there is time remaining you will play one additional inning . All Rights Reserved. Once the camp is complete, we will post all information (60 YD Dash times, Velocities from Positions, Exit Velocities, Hitter Rankings, Pitcher Rankings, Rankings by Positions, etc.) Major League Baseball added three executives to its new local media department as it prepares for a possible takeover of broadcasts for 17 teams amid the financial deterioration of the Bally and . Pitching Rules 3rd to 1st pick off is legal. We will be holding camps throughout the year to help players with position specific fundamentals and to help already great players. Impact Baseball. RULES. Today, we traveled over to Chapel Hill High School and, Its another exciting season for North Carolina High School baseball! Weather or Game Alerts At these events, you have probably heard from your coaches that you are showcasing your skills. Some of the top reasons to attend an IMPACT tournament are our unmatched prices, considerate scheduling, no game times before 9 am, high-quality fields, invite-only format, small events, which allow for higher college coach/scout to team ratio. We do not employ college coaches or professional scouts at events, so that number will vary. SSL is the backbone of our secure Internet and it protects your sensitive information as it travels across the worlds computer networks. Our Dayn Perry took a crack at building a lineup for USA manager Mark DeRosa. The NCAA Baseball Tournament is double-elimination, which leads to messier-looking brackets. Baseball - Tue, Feb. 28, 2023 at 8:00 AM . No one wants to get relegated. The last several years, Opening day is finally here! The WBC will feature the three-batter minimum, the universal DH, an automatic runner at second base in extra innings, and replay review. We do not employ college coaches or professional scouts at events, so that number will vary. The risk of injury and/or illness from the activities involved in the program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce the risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; 2. I stare out the window and wait for spring." SCHEDULES POSTED. Thank you to everyone who helped make it happen our sponsors, volunteers, managers and coaches, and the 28 non-Impact teams who played hard and made it a great weekend of baseball. The World Baseball Classic returns this year for the first time since 2017 after the 2021 WBC was postponed because of the pandemic. Seeding and Tie Breaker Rules. Training camps are a good opportunity to pick up skills for new positions or to better your abilities. TOURNAMENTS EVENTS - Impact Baseball SHOWCASE TOURNAMENTS The 2023 Summer Schedule has been announced. This defined temperature has been pulled from the Center of Disease Control and is considered by them to be running a fever. *Teams MUST turn in a roster to before 11:59 PM the night before the event begins. Rosters And second, there is a mercy rule during Pool Play (but not the Quarterfinal or Championship Rounds). LCU's Cy Fontenot earned his first win of the season against Xavier. When Fernando Tatis Jr. burst into the MLB as a 20-year old in 2019, it appeared . Please complete and send the appropriate form below, based on your question type (Tournament, Showcase/Combine, Membership, or Hotels). Please bring your own. Minimum four days of rest after a 50-pitch outing. VIRGINIA 2022; VIRGINIA 2023; VIRGINIA 2024; . NC State 6. PG regular seeding rules Seeding and Tie Breaker Rules. Here are the limits: Pitchers have gotten hurt at the WBC. Here's the prize breakdown: Each team gets $300,000 just for showing up, and the WBC champion can max out its prize pool at $3 million. ORLANDO, Fla. The PGA Tour is moving toward an elite schedule in 2024 with 16 designated events half of them with no more than 80-man fields and no cuts . *Tiebreaker Information: Overall Record, Head to Head, Runs Allowed, Runs Scored Here is the Quarterfinal Round and Championship Round schedule: Quarterfinal 1 winner vs. Quarterfinal 3 winner, Quarterfinal 2 winner vs. Quarterfinal 4 winner, Semifinal 1 winner vs. Semifinal 2 winner. providing college coaches, professional scouts and athletes exposure to each other while educating and promoting the game. *Please be aware that each player on the roster, MUST have a parental email on file and must complete the waiver form found here: . Our athletes have a greater chance of being noticed by scouts and college coaches because of our smaller more intimate settings, don't get lost in the shuffle! . No pitching back-to-back-to-back days. *If a team drops out before the schedule is posted and at least two weeks prior to the event, we will offer a full credit. Maximum 95 pitches per game during the Championship Round. World Series Mid Atlantic- Maryland- UMBC- Towson- Mount St Mary's-PGCC In 2008, his home was burned to the ground, but that hasn't stopped the retired agent from . Here's our Preseason North Carolina High School Polls: 4A: 1. 2021-2022 Tryouts 2022 . Impact Baseball Club Ohio North Royalton, OH (0 . Click the registration link on our schedule page under the tournament that you wish to attend. . Men's Champ Week: Conference tournament schedules, auto bids. All teams must check in upon arrival to verify and approve their compliance with the above. The Yankees blocked Luis Severino from participating, for example. Anything beyond the initial head-to-head tiebreaker will make your head hurt. We do not employ college coaches or professional scouts at events, so that number will vary. Invite them to come watch you play. But in a. SIGN UP FOR CAMPS SIGN UP TOURNAMENTS ABOUT US REACH YOUR HIGHEST LEVEL IN BASEBALL Aside from limits on pitcher usage, WBC rules largely mirror MLB's rules. Were less than ten days away from opening day and the, Another day closer to opening day here in North Carolina, as the excitement continues to build! Maximum 80 pitches per game during the Quarterfinal Round. Games will start early if possible. *Diamond (D1, DOLA, DOL-1), Wilson (A1010HS1, A1010S, 1030), Rawlings (R100, RNFC), or any NFHS stamped ball.

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impact baseball tournament rules
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